Top 10 Best Heavy Metal Guitar Solos Ever

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Today I give you the top 10 best heavy metal guitar solos ever!

Seriously, these solos have blown the minds of millions of people, and they’ll continue to inspire us forever.

10. Afterlife – Avenged Sevenfold

Afterlife is the newest solo on this list, and I had to include it because of Synyster Gates’ influence on the modern guitar scene.

While it may not be the most renowned amongst the traditional metal community, it’s certainly a well-known solo in the modern guitar scene.

9. A Light in The Black – Rainbow

What do you get when you put Ritchie Blackmore and Dio together? Art. Beauty. Masterpieces.

Now, Ritchie Blackmore may not be the most technical guitar player in heavy metal, but he has influenced a boatload of guitarists, including Yngwie Malmsteen and Eddie Van Halen, and will continue to inspire us forever.

And as for the solo, the two words that best describe it for me are fun and inspiring! Seriously, it’s awesome.

8. One – Metallica

Thank you Guitar Hero 3 for showing me this wonderful heavy metal masterpiece.

And luckily if I hadn’t found it on Guitar Hero, I would have eventually found it in my dad’s cupboard of metal albums.

Personal stories aside, Kirk Hammett blew our minds with his solo sections in One.

From the tasteful intro solo, to the cool arpeggios, to the high speed tremolo picked runs, this solo is the “One” that the metal community will never forget.

7. Painkiller – Judas Priest

The first time I heard Painkiller was on Rock Band 2.

Before I played through the song I couldn’t possibly understand how it was more difficult than songs like Panic Attack.

After playing through the song, and playing both of the song’s iconic solos, played by legends K.K Downing and Glenn Tipton, I understood why it was listed at the bottom of Rock Band 2’s setlist.

This metal guitar solo really is a beast!

Under a Glass Moon – Dream Theater

John Petrucci is the most influential prog metal guitarist, especially regarding lead guitar playing, and his Under A Glass Moon Solo helped put him into that position.

The song features a wide variety of lead guitar techniques, and is a true test of technical efficiency.

5. Rising Force – Yngwie Malmsteen

Yngwie Malmsteen gave us one of the most shred-centered genres in heavy metal, Neoclassical, and for that I had to include him.

Yngwie is basically like Ritchie Blackmore meets Bach, and what’s not to love about such a brilliant combination?

4. Powerslave – Iron Maiden

Talk about an emotional sounding solo!

Powerslave is a highly revered traditional heavy metal guitar solo, and was certainly an innovative solo for music as a whole!

It’s home to a variety of techniques, and beautiful phrasing by Iron Maiden’s iconic guitarists.

3. Tornado of Souls – Megadeth

You can’t have a list of best heavy metal guitar solos without Tornado of Souls.

Marty Friedman’s exquisite phrasing and exceptional technical prowess we’re blended together to create the mighty fine, tension-building solo that is Tornado of Souls.

Seriously, there aren’t many guitar solos like it.

2. Technical Difficulties- Racer X

Paul Gilbert is arguably the greatest alternate picker in shred guitar, and Technical Difficulties is a prefect showcase of his technical abilities.

1. Mr. Crowley – Ozzy Osbourne

Why put Mr.Crowley at #1? I’ll tell you why: because out of all the other heavy metal guitar solos it’s arguably the most recognizable .

Seriously, I’m sure that even my grandma knows this solo.

Popularity put aside, you cannot deny the impeccable phrasing and epicness of Randy Rhoads‘ guitar playing.

Heavy Metal Guitar Solos Summary

There you have it, the top 10 best heavy metal guitar solos ever.

Don’t get your panties in a wad if you didn’t see your favorite solo on here. At the end of the day, it’s just a list!

And in your defense, very few of these guitar solos make it onto my personal list of favorite heavy metal guitar solos.

So, which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!