Introduction to the A chord on guitar
Learning to play the A chord on guitar is a common first step in a guitarist’s journey. This lesson will help you learn it with ease.
It’s 1 of the 5 foundational open major guitar chords, the other 4 chords being C,G,E and D.
How to play the open A chord on guitar
The most commonly seen version of the A chord on guitar is the 3 finger, open position shape. This is called the “A shape”.
Here’s how to play the A chord, step-by-step:
- Place your Pinky finger on fret 2 of the B string
- Place your Ring finger on fret 2 of the G string
- Place your Middle finger on fret 2 of the D string
- Strum all strings starting from the A string. Make sure you don’t play the low E string.
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Don’t know how to read chord charts? Learn here.
Don’t know the guitar string names and order? Learn here.
Understanding the A chord on guitar
Notes in the A chord
The notes in the A major chord are A,C#, and E.
A chord intervals
A | C# | E |
1 (root) | 3 (third) | 5 (fifth) |
Learn about intervals from pudgetsound.
What’s next?
Now that you’ve learned the A chord on guitar you can move onto new things!
Here are some recommended lessons.
Guitar Chords In The Key Of A Major
A Major Scale Guitar Lesson | How To Play
Learn The Notes on The Guitar Neck (Step-by-Step Guide)