Guitar Chords In The Key Of G Flat Major (Gb)

Learn guitar chords in the key of G flat major with this simple guide.

What chords are in the key of G flat Major?

There are seven chords in the key of G flat Major:

Gb Major – Ab Minor – Bb Minor – Cb Major – Db Major – Eb Minor – F Diminished

Learn the major scale formula here

Learn about diatonic scales and harmony here

G flat major scale notes

There are seven notes in the Gb major scale:


Chord shapes in the key of Gb major

Gb Major

Gb Major Guitar Chord

Ab Minor

G# Minor guitar chord

Bb Minor

Standard Bb Minor Guitar Chord

Cb Major

Standard B Major Shape

Db Major

C# Major Guitar Chord

Eb Minor

Eb minor guitar chord

F Diminished

F diminished guitar chord

7th guitar chords in the key of G Flat major (chart)

Learn roman numerals here (From OKState University)


Learn more about 7th chords here

Learn about diminished chords here