Check out these effective PIMA guitar exercises that will help you enhance your fingerpicking technique and take your playing to the next level.
Table of Contents
PIMA Guitar Fingers Recap
Here’s the complete PIMA Guitar Meaning and Fingers lesson.

PIMA Guitar Exercises and Basic Patterns

Exercise 1: The Forward Roll
Forward Roll PIMA Pattern: P-I-M-A
Chord Used: D Major
Exercise 2: The Forward-Backward Roll
Forward-Backward Roll PIMA Pattern: P-I-M-A-M-A
Chord Progression: A Minor – C Major – E Minor – A Minor
Exercise 3: Skipping Strings
Skipping PIMA Pattern: P-A-I-M
Chord Used: A Major
PIMA Guitar Exercises PDF
Related Guitar Exercises
Similar to PIMA exercises, hybrid picking exercises work out your fingerstyle fingers (particularly fingers M and A), while also using a guitar pick. This results in the name “hybrid picking”, which refers to a hybrid both the guitar pick and fingers.