E Minor Scale Guitar Lesson | How to Play

Learn how to play a new minor scale on guitar with this step-by-step E minor scale guitar lesson. You’ll learn scale positions, how the scale works, and more!

E Minor Scale Guitar Lesson

E minor scale notes

There are seven notes in the E natural minor scale, one of which is sharp.

  1. E
  2. F#
  3. G
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D

E minor scale formula

The formula for the E Minor Scale and every other minor scale is 1-2-b3-4-5-b6-b7.

Learn more about the minor scale formula.

E Minor Scale Intervals (Half and Whole steps)

The half and whole step sequence for the E Minor Scale and every other minor scale is:

Scale degrees of the E minor scale


E Minor Chord

The E Minor Chord is the root chord (the 1st chord) in the E Minor Scale.

Open E Minor Chord
Open E Minor Chord

Learn the guitar chords in the key of E minor

Relative major of E minor

The relative major of E minor is G major.

How to play the E Minor Scale

You can play theE Minor Scale on guitar by finding the E note and following the minor scale formula, which results in the notes E-F#-G-A-B-C-D

By doing this you’ll end up with countless positions and shapes for the E minor scale.

As for this lesson, you’ll look at the E minor scales’ CAGED positions, open position, and other related scales.

E Minor Scale CAGED Positions

Learn more about the CAGED system here.

Position 1/ Open

As you can see, the open position shape is slightly different than the CAGED position an octave higher. This is due to the placement of the 2nd interval in the 12th position shape.

E Minor Scale Position 1/ Open

Position 2

E Minor Scale Position 2 CAGED

Position 3

E Minor Scale Position 3 CAGED

Position 4

E Minor Scale Position 4 CAGED

Position 5

E Minor Scale Position 5 CAGED

Modes of E minor

The 7 modes of E minor are:

  1. E Aeolian
  2. F# Locrian
  3. G Ionian
  4. A Dorian
  5. B Phrygian
  6. C Lydian
  7. D Mixolydian

E Minor Scale Guitar Fretboard Diagram

E Minor Scale Guitar Fretboard Diagram

E Minor Scale Guitar Fretboard Diagram PDF

Related Scales Resources

Guitar Chord Key Chart

Free Guitar Scales Chart for Beginners

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