Guitar Theory

Difference Between Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales Blog Banner

Difference Between Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales

Learning pentatonic scales can be confusing when you start to see words thrown around like “major” and “minor” all the time. So, let’s get rid of your confusion. There are two ways to explain the difference between major and minor pentatonic scales. 1. Derivative Pentatonic Theory Derivative pentatonic theory is where we take a group

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Guitar Arpeggios Explained

How to Play Guitar Arpeggios: Everything You Need to Know

What is an arpeggio? An arpeggio is a broken down chord. You simply take the notes from a chord and play them one at a a time. What are guitar arpeggios used for? There are multiple uses for arpeggios. The term is usually first heard in relation to fingerstyle guitar. When used in fingerstyle, it’s

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Pick or Fingers?

Is It Better to Play Guitar with Pick or Fingers?

Today I’m addressing a classic question. This question is often brought up by beginner guitar players, and tends to have a simple answer. That question being “Should I play guitar with pick or fingers?” There are times when you’ll need to use a pick, and times when you’ll need to use your fingers. Choosing when

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