Learn how to play a new minor scale on guitar with this step-by-step G Sharp minor scale guitar lesson. You’ll learn scale positions, how the scale works, and more!
G Sharp Minor Scale Guitar Lesson
G Sharp minor scale notes
There are seven notes in the G Sharp natural minor scale, and 5 are sharps.
- G#
- A#
- B
- C#
- D#
- E
- F#
G Sharp minor scale formula
The formula for the G Sharp Minor Scale and every other minor scale is 1-2-b3-4-5-b6-b7.
Learn more about the minor scale formula.
G Sharp Minor Scale Intervals (Half and Whole steps)
The half and whole step sequence for the G Sharp Minor Scale and every other minor scale is:
Scale degrees of the G Sharp minor scale
i | ii° | III | iv | v | VI | VII |
G# | A# | B | C# | D# | E | F# |
G Sharp Minor Chord
The G Sharp Minor Chord is the root chord (the 1st chord) in the G Sharp Minor Scale.

Learn the guitar chords in the key of G Sharp minor
Relative major of G Sharp minor
The relative major of G Sharp minor is B major.
How to play the G Sharp Minor Scale
You can play the G Sharp Minor Scale on guitar by finding the G# note and following the minor scale formula, which results in the notes G#-A#-B-C#-D#-E-F#.
By doing this you’ll end up with countless positions and shapes for the G Sharp minor scale.
As for this lesson, you’ll look at the G Sharp minor scales’ CAGED positions, open position, and other related scales.
G Sharp Minor Scale CAGED Positions
Learn more about the CAGED system here.
Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

Position 4

Position 5

Modes of G Sharp minor
The 7 modes of G# minor are:
- G# Aeolian
- A# Locrian
- B Ionian
- C# Dorian
- D# Phrygian
- E Lydian
- F# Mixolydian
G Sharp Minor Scale Guitar Fretboard Diagram